Welcome to Christ the King Lutheran Church - Where all are welcome!
Worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am

Christ the King is a welcoming place for all people. We are a Christian community practicing discipleship as we worship, learn and serve our community of Bozeman and throughout the world.  We welcome you to join us as we share Jesus's love and follow him each day!

Worship In-Person at CtK - We have returned to our regular worship set up and our prayer is that you will join us in worship. If you would like to serve as an usher, scripture reader, bread baker, communion preparer or assisting minister during our worship services, sign up on the sign up sheets in the narthex. (Sign up sheets are passed during worship the last Sunday of each month). Or contact our Ministry & Media Coordinator, Tana Malmo.

Worship Online:  On Sunday mornings at 10:00am you can join us in worship at the top of this page.  If worship has not yet begun, you will see our countdown clock telling you when the service begins.  If our service is live, you can simply click the Watch Now button to join our service. Be sure to click on the CHAT button to let us know you are joining us.

To view past worship services, click here:  CtK's online YouTube Channel 

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Blessing of the Backpacks This Sunday!

All students, teachers, staff, and faculty, are invited to bring their school bags/backpacks to worship on Sunday, September 8th, for our annual blessing of the new school year.

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Sunday School and Adult Forum

Begins at 9:00am on September 15th

If you have a child who will attend Sunday School this year, please be sure to register them by completing this year's registration form:  2024-2025 CYF ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM

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Youth Group (6th-12th grades) will meet on Sundays, 5;00-7;00pm.  Dinner, study and games are on the agenda.  The kickoff on September 15th will be with our interfaith friends and we will meet at Hope Lutheran Church from 5:00-6:30.  We will meet at CtK beginning September 22nd.

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All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join a NEW CtK vocal ensemble. The youth choir will sing during worship several times over the coming year. The first rehearsals will be after worship on September 8th and 15th, with the choir singing during worship on Sept. 22nd. Questions? Contact Pr. Lindean or Heidi Hornung. 

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Lutheran World Relief SCHOOL KITS

Help us make school kits for children around the world.

Please be sure to read through the LWR school kit supply list as many things cannot be included in the kits.  Items can be dropped off at the church office and will be assembled into individual kits at a later date. You do not need to purchase all the items for a kit, all donations of items will be accepted.

Thank you to all who have dropped off items already.

Please note we do NOT need any more backpacks, pencils or pink erasers. All other items, especially notebooks, are needed to fill the bags.

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Spend a Week at Holden Village

September 15-22, 2024

Holden Village is a Lutheran retreat center nestled in a beautiful Cascade Mountain valley of Washington State. After the busy summer schedule, fall is quieter and a beautiful time to make a visit.  Darius Larson, a retired ELCA pastor living in Big Sky has organized a fourth "Fall Sojourn at Holden Village," to be held September 15th through 22nd.  More information can be found HERE.

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Christ the King Lutheran Church

4383 Durston Road
Bozeman, MT 59718