In Our Prayers
This Week: February 2nd, 2025

You, Lord, have lifted up the lowly. (Luke 1:46b-55)

This week we pray --

-- For all suffering from war or those being persecuted because of their faith;

-- For North Africa;

-- For all across the whole world who are suffering from results of extreme weather events: wildfires, unseasonable tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding;

-- Those Individuals who are hospitalized, ill, injured, or in special need, and those who have requested prayers include: Bill, Jerry, Barb, Dorothy, Steven, Mike, Norma, Dick, Carol, Tina, Amy, Pete, Luke;

--- For continued "safe" release of the packathon meals, and for safety for God's people in Haiti;

-- Families and individuals seeking asylum, all refugees, and children separated from their parents;

-- Our bishops: Rev. Laurie Jungling and Rev. Elizabeth Eaton; and for interim bishop, Rev. Jessica Crist;

-- These congregations and ministries of the Montana Synod: Our Savior's Lutheran, Laurel; Joliet Lutheran, Joliet; American Lutheran, Harlowton; First American Lutheran, Hardin; Western Iowa Synod; West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod.

CtK App: Prayers may be added at any time on the Prayer Wall on the CtK App, to be shared by everyone using the CtK App. Watch the "how to post a prayer on the Prayer Wall" video on our HOME page. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the video.

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