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We are part of the ELCA Montana Synod.

Christ the King is an active and vibrant congregation with alot of things to experience and opportunities to participate!   If you are brand new, click the "I'm New" tab above.  If you need to email one of the staff, go to the tab labeled "Our Team."  Otherwise, feel free to explore the rest of our site.

Of course, you can always contact the church office by email or at 406-577-2382.  We'd love to hear from you!


WHO ARE WE? We strive to BE disciples of Jesus who MAKE disciples of Jesus.


We are a Christian community practicing discipleship as we worship, learn and serve.


Every member of CtK joyfully learning and living the way of Jesus, being transformed by and impacting the world through life-changing relationships with God, one another, and all creation.

OUR CORE VALUES:  As a community of Christian faith, we are defined by:

diversity: accepting social, economic, demographic and ethnic diversity both expressly and by conduct.

generosity: being kind, understanding, unselfish and generous - especially being willing to give money, time, and other valuable things to others.

grace: practicing unconditional love mirroring the unmerited love, mercy and favor of God; leading to a disposition toward kindness, courtesy, thoughtfulness and consideration.

invitation: request, welcome and value people's engagement and fellowship in worship, learning and service.

relationship: building personal connections that reflect the love and care of Christ within this congregation and the greater community.

respect: a feeling or understanding that all people and the natural world are notable and consequential and should be treated accordingly.

transformation: committed to and engaged in growing our understanding of and living out God's word in today's world (other words used to communicate this: wisdom, creativity, evolution, learning, seeking, searching, exploring, dynamic, growth, aspiring).

creation care: profound reverence and awe for all God's creation as demonstrated by our commitment to protecting and preserving the natural world in all its beauty and abundance.


Lutherans believe both Baptism and Communion are "means of grace" - that God comes to us and graces us through the ordinary elements of water, bread and wine, along with God's word.


In the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, water and God’s promises connect the one who is baptized with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This sacrament is an outward sign of our salvation and God’s unbreakable promise to us of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. Holy Baptism marks the entrance into the Christian community, the Church, and gathers the community together as children of God joined by their connection to Christ. Baptism is once and for all, and it is for people of any age. The Lutheran church baptizes infants because we believe that baptism is God’s gracious action, not ours. 

In the rite of Holy Baptism, the one who is baptized is immersed in a pool of water or water is poured over his or her head as the pastor recites the name of the Triune God, “in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,” as Christ commanded (Matthew 28:19). The pastor lays hands on the head of the newly baptized and prays for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Other signs that signify a connection to Christ may be given during the rite according to the community’s tradition and history. These may include making the sign of a cross on the forehead, anointing with oil, dressing in a white garment, and lighting a candle.  

At CtK

If you would like to be baptized, or have your child baptized, please contact the church office to arrange conversation with one of the pastors. Please schedule baptisms with the church office before making travel arrangements with family.

After you have contacted the church office, visited with the pastors about your baptism, please print the form below, fill it in and mail or email to the church office.

Baptism Information Sheet


In the Sacrament of Holy Communion, after hearing and experiencing the good news of Jesus Christ in word, prayer and song, the community receives bread and wine. They experience the tangible presence of Christ by eating and drinking these elements. 

The outward signs of the sacrament are simple earthly elements: bread and wine. Yet, together with the spoken promise of God these elements convey the presence of Jesus Christ to the assembly of believers. Martin Luther said that Jesus is present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine. We believe this because Jesus says it is so (Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20) even when we cannot fully explain how it happens. 

The presence of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of Holy Communion is a great treasure that is received in faith. In the eating and drinking of bread and wine, we experience love, forgiveness and life of Christ is ours. In the sacrament, Christ takes on our sin while we take on Christ’s righteousness. The sacrament’s emphasis is on God’s action rather than the strength of our faith. 

At CtK

Understanding the invitation to participate in the meal comes from our Lord, here at Christ the King Lutheran Church we have an "open table," which means all are welcome to share in the Lord's Supper. We use unleavened bread and have gluten free wafers available for those with dietary restrictions. We use red wine, and white grape juice is also available. Instruction about Holy Communion is available throughout a person's life. Parents are encouraged to bring their children for conversation with a pastor when they discern a child is ready to receive the sacrament. We offer annual Communion instruction for all ages during the season of Lent, as well as during confirmation and during adult learning opportunities. 

What Do We Believe?

We believe that Jesus is Lord and that God's love and grace are for everyone. (John 3:16-17)

We believe that we are justified, or made right with God, by God's grace alone, not by anything we do (or don't do). (Ephesians 2:8-9)

We believe that salvation is through faith, trusting in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

We believe that the Bible is the norm for faith and life, the standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged.

We believe that life lived following Jesus and his teachings is the best life there is, for ourselves, for our neighbors and for all of creation. We strive to grow in discipleship and live out our faith in daily life.