Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 16th
Readings for Sunday, Feb. 16 --
  • Jeremiah 17:5-10 -- These verses compose a poem that is part of a larger collection of wisdom sayings that contrast two ways of life. Life with God brings blessing; the power and vitality of God is active in our life. Life without God brings a curse, the power of death.
  • 1 Corinthian 15:12-20 -- For Paul, the resurrection of Christ is the basis for Christian hope. Because Christ has been raised, those who are in Christ know that they too will be raised to a new life beyond death.
  • Luke 6:17-26 -- After choosing his twelve apostles, Jesus teaches a crowd of his followers about the nature and demands of discipleship. He begins his great sermon with surprising statements about who is truly blessed in the eyes of God.